
We provide a wide range of professional services to educate your teens. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.

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What we are providing

Goal Planning

Grow Faster

Friendly Support

How do we work

Two-day workshop offering 12 powerful modules with workshops that engage, empower, and build confidence in finding employment opportunities.

What we offer is the complete A-Z package to educate your teen on the 12 fundamentals of entering the workforce.

The easy way to start


Engaged, Empowered, Confident

We think teens should have first hand access to the tools and information that will help them when entering the workforce.

Workplace Health & Safety

This module talks about the workers roles and responsibilities with a workplace health and safety program; Workers right to refuse unsafe work, and recognition of workplace hazards.

Resume Building 101

In this module we build a solid resume in a classroom setting. We offer coaching and mentoring throughout the process of creating a professional resume.

Cover Letters - lots of fun

This module will also be aclassroom setting, where students will build a cover letter unique to themselves and the type of work they are interested in.

Dive into Interview

This module will include multiple group exercises on how to have a succcessful interview, and the questions that are important to ask during an interview.

Intro to Payroll and Income Tax

Learn from our experts the basics of being on a payroll, and the taxes that are deducted 

Credit Scores

This module will teach you what a credit score is, why it is beenficial to have one and learn the DO's and DONT'S that will effect your credit scores

Goal Planning

This interactive workshop will assist you in planning your future.

Job Resource Training

This workshop will give you a first-hand experience when it comes to searching for job. With this, you will learn the fundamentals and the tips and tricks when it comes to using online resources for employment.

Workplace Etiquette

In this module you will learn the tips and tricks to become successful in your future employment and show future employers that even though you are young, you are ready.

Email Etiquette

This module will teach you the fundamentals of a professional email. This is the first step to grabbing a future employers attention.

YOU will be applying for jobs by the end of class one.

Appetite Test

This module is designed to narrow down your teens strengths and where to start when looking for work that is enjoyable and suited for them.

Personality Test

This workshop is designed to suit your teen so we may determine your teens style of learning and working.

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